Monday, February 8, 2010

Dreamspeak - The Sky is Falling

The beach was cold. The building from which I had exited was within my sights -- an odd building, more like an entrance to some underground structure, than a home. But nevertheless, I knew I lived there.

I sat, fully clothed on a blanket against a retaining wall. The beach stretched out in front of me. The curve of the shore revealed high rise office buildings in the distance, while a large Ferris-wheel dominated the scene.

I wore a headset that fed me my husband, Allan's, voice. He spoke from an aircraft cockpit somewhere overhead. It seemed he was in contact with an Air Terminal trying to find a place to land his aircraft. While cleared to land, he was hesitant as he was doing some reconnaissance over the neighborhood checking out the way our neighbors were maintaining their yards - how typical.

As I listened to this last part of the conversation, I became alarmed that he wouldn't pay attention to the fact that in the distance a plane was falling from the sky. I did not have the ability to tell him what I saw; I could only listen to him.

Others on the beach began to realize what was happening when there appeared a second smoke plume and another plane falling from the sky in the distance. Suddenly a third plane, closer to where I was sitting began to smoke and started its downward spiral. Without further warning, the sky filled with aircraft, as if we had been invaded by aliens whose ships had suddenly lost power and all began to fall to the ground. The sky grew dark and filled with smoke and fire. The planes seemed only a few hundred feet up in the sky.

Where was I the safest? Behind the retaining wall or in my home? I began running in the sand for the structure that represented home. Everyone else seemed to have the same idea. My shoes filled with sand slowing my progress as if I were plowing my way through quicksand. Finally, I fell within feet of the structure that held two elevators full of strangers. I lay on my stomach and reached out for one man's outstretched hand.

Inside my head my voice implored me to wake up. I felt the words trying to escape my lips until finally that effort to make some sound brought me to my darkened bedroom safely next to my sleeping husband. Another disaster averted.